Friday, March 16, 2007

Long time no post...

I am so sorry to have taken such a long break. But it was very much needed. I will be in the process of back posting soon. I have so many wonderful pictures from Christmas and Morg and Dave's wedding and lots and lots of stuff.
We are in the beginning throes of more change in our household, which I will explain soon. Suffice to say that we have not sold the house yet and therefore are not moving and we are not pregnant... :)
For the moment, here are two short movie clips of Emma that are wonderful examples of the joy she brings each day, and some mini updates on each of us...
Chloe is about to lose her first tooth, which she is nervously anticipating.
Timmy is starting his second season in the major leagues of little league baseball.
Nicole is starting her first year of soccer and is very excited.
I played the keyboard Sunday for the whole worship set, even leading and singing one of the songs. I was quite nervous, having only played publicly one other time on one song a while back. I have led with guitar extensively but had never tried the keyboard. I had so much fun! It wasn't nearly as hard as I had anticipated, and I got some great feedback so it must have been not too bad. I had a blast regardless.
Tim is doing fine at work, actually doing great. He got huge kudos from the boss recently regarding the last jobsite that he completed. Evidently his foreman skills resulted in finishing the job early and coming in under budget when the job was zeroed out. He was given a brand spankin' new work truck with his choice of custom tool boxes, and we are awaiting a bonus for the job mentioned above!
He is so modest, but I am so proud of him. He is an amazingly hard and loyal worker and deserves every bit of praise.
I guess that is all for now.
I will write later today or tomorrow about the other new changes, but can't quite yet...
Love to everyone...
Here's the movie clips... Enjoy!
This one is her "reading" her favorite picture book to Daddy...

This one is our Bailey infamous "sweet eyes"...