Saturday, December 29, 2007


Well, I think I am ready to join the blogosphere again. I know it has been way way too long, but I'm here now, it will all be okay. :)
I have decided that the best way to catch up on the last 6 months is to back-post.
This just means that I am going to add things with their proper dates so they will automatically archive in the right place. I know this seems complicated, but it's really not. I will put links in the current posts as I go, so you will be able to find them quickly.
The first thing I am posting is my mom's funeral pictures and the memorial slideshow shown at the reception.

Click on these links to go to each of them. They are archived in June 2007, which is when they were taken...

Memorial Pictures


I hope you all enjoy them. I am sorry to take so long to share them, but I just haven't been ready until now...

Love to everyone.

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My mom...

Well, I knew I was taking a break for a reason, I just didn't know why. Now I do.

The news that I couldn't share yet from that previous ancient post was that my mom was coming back to Georgia to live with us again. After she came (end of March) things went haywire. She became very ill with a bacterial infection in her lungs and had to be hospitalized. While she was there they did an MRI to check on some severe pain she had been having in her lower back and hip. There were some "suspicious" spots on the MRI so the doc ordered more detailed tests. Beginning of May we found out that she had cancer again... Actually, one of the previous cancers that we thought was gone had metastisized to her bones. It was very widespread and terminal. They said she had 6-8 months. She did some radiation treatment for 10 days which helped significantly with the pain, but unfortunately within 3 weeks she was unable to even get out of the bed.

On Wednesday, May 30, the family was rushing from Florida to be at her bedside. She slipped into a comatose state on late Thursday and on Friday evening at 9:00, she took her last breath. She was surrounded by all her family... Me, my brother Mike, Uncle David and Aunt Barbara, cousin Roger, niece Summer, nephew Jesse, friends John Dunfee and Rita Verdery, and my husband Tim. It was amazingly serene. I had been so anxious throughout the day, not knowing how I would react as we realized this was probably her last day on this earth, but I was pleasantly surprised at the joy I felt as my brother and I removed her oxygen nasal tube and turned off the machine. It was so liberating to know that she wouldn't need that anymore where she was going. I was just so happy for HER!

Throughout the following week as we planned her memorial service, I began to grieve for MY loss and still am... but I can't get rid of this feeling of joy for her, of freedom and divine health!

The service was incredible and I hope to post some pictures soon and maybe even some audio or video.

I am also going to put up the slideshow tribute that we played at the reception. We had the service outside under the oak trees at Jim and Linda Griggs house here in Washington and the birds joined us as we worshipped and remembered.

The reception was in the ballroom at the Fitzpatrick Hotel. We had good 'ol Southern BBQ (my mom's favorite) and had daisies everywhere! It was beautiful, and the only thing missing was my mom.

I miss her so much and although I know that God orchestrated everything perfectly so that we had some time together before she passed, I still wish for just one more day.

Just one more day.

I love you mom.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

twin cousins?

This is Chloe and her "twin" cousin Tori at our house after mom's memorial. Tim's sister Irene, her fiance James and little Tori drove up from Florida to be here.
She and Chloe were like two peas in a pod. We will be traveling to Florida in January for Irene and James' wedding, so they will get to see each other again then...
I just think it is so amazing how much they look alike!!!

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Memorial Slideshow

This is the slideshow of my mother's life that was played at her memorial service. It is chronological ending with photos taken just a few days before her passing.
I tried to keep her spirit in the choices of pictures and songs that I used. I hope that you enjoy it and remember her fondly, she was an amazing woman with a very full life.

(The beginning seems to start quick because I had to shave off a few seconds in order to upload it within the youtube guidelines... so forgive that, please.)

Also, if you would prefer to watch it on full screen mode (MUCH better) then click several times on the center of the image until it takes you to the youtube site and then at the bottom right corner of the little screen there is a button that allows it to go to full screen. Just fiddle and you'll figure it out... it's worth it.


pictures from my mom's memorial service...

Each of the grandchildren made a collage for the reception...
you can click on the pictures for a larger image...

Timmy Bailey's:

Nicole Bailey's:

Chloe Bailey's:

Jonathan Tobey's:

Summer Tobey's:

Jesse Tobey's:

Me and my brother Mike

Emma Bean and her mommy...

My cousins Tami & Garrett, their daughter Rebecca, my aunt Barbara and my cousin Roger

My cousin Roger and myself

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Yanking up the rumor weed...

Ummm... I heard some news about myself this week that came as a shocker...
Evidently Tim and I are trying to get pregnant!
Someone said that they read it on my to be diligent in my damage control, I reread my last post and found the weed seed...

"We are in the beginning throes of more change in our household, which I will explain soon. Suffice to say that we have not sold the house yet and therefore are not moving and we are not pregnant... :) "

When I said that I wasn't pregnant...I just meant that the news that I couldn't share yet was not that I was pregnant, because when you tell people that you have new news, they usually jump to that conclusion...which is perfectly understandable considering our track record by the way, so no offense taken here :)...
Let's try planting a new seed...
Jennifer and Tim are NOT trying to get pregnant at all...really.
Please pass it on...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Long time no post...

I am so sorry to have taken such a long break. But it was very much needed. I will be in the process of back posting soon. I have so many wonderful pictures from Christmas and Morg and Dave's wedding and lots and lots of stuff.
We are in the beginning throes of more change in our household, which I will explain soon. Suffice to say that we have not sold the house yet and therefore are not moving and we are not pregnant... :)
For the moment, here are two short movie clips of Emma that are wonderful examples of the joy she brings each day, and some mini updates on each of us...
Chloe is about to lose her first tooth, which she is nervously anticipating.
Timmy is starting his second season in the major leagues of little league baseball.
Nicole is starting her first year of soccer and is very excited.
I played the keyboard Sunday for the whole worship set, even leading and singing one of the songs. I was quite nervous, having only played publicly one other time on one song a while back. I have led with guitar extensively but had never tried the keyboard. I had so much fun! It wasn't nearly as hard as I had anticipated, and I got some great feedback so it must have been not too bad. I had a blast regardless.
Tim is doing fine at work, actually doing great. He got huge kudos from the boss recently regarding the last jobsite that he completed. Evidently his foreman skills resulted in finishing the job early and coming in under budget when the job was zeroed out. He was given a brand spankin' new work truck with his choice of custom tool boxes, and we are awaiting a bonus for the job mentioned above!
He is so modest, but I am so proud of him. He is an amazingly hard and loyal worker and deserves every bit of praise.
I guess that is all for now.
I will write later today or tomorrow about the other new changes, but can't quite yet...
Love to everyone...
Here's the movie clips... Enjoy!
This one is her "reading" her favorite picture book to Daddy...

This one is our Bailey infamous "sweet eyes"...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Evolution of Dance

This is an absolute RIOT!!! Enjoy.

Friday, January 26, 2007

am i cute or what....

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

i know, i know....

I'm sorry for being a blog flake... I didn't even realize that I needed a break, but I guess I did.
I'm still not sure when I will fully be back. Just need some time to get some priorities straight.
Love to everyone!