Saturday, December 29, 2007


Well, I think I am ready to join the blogosphere again. I know it has been way way too long, but I'm here now, it will all be okay. :)
I have decided that the best way to catch up on the last 6 months is to back-post.
This just means that I am going to add things with their proper dates so they will automatically archive in the right place. I know this seems complicated, but it's really not. I will put links in the current posts as I go, so you will be able to find them quickly.
The first thing I am posting is my mom's funeral pictures and the memorial slideshow shown at the reception.

Click on these links to go to each of them. They are archived in June 2007, which is when they were taken...

Memorial Pictures


I hope you all enjoy them. I am sorry to take so long to share them, but I just haven't been ready until now...

Love to everyone.

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