Well, I knew I was taking a break for a reason, I just didn't know why. Now I do.
The news that I couldn't share yet from that previous ancient post was that my mom was coming back to Georgia to live with us again. After she came (end of March) things went haywire. She became very ill with a bacterial infection in her lungs and had to be hospitalized. While she was there they did an MRI to check on some severe pain she had been having in her lower back and hip. There were some "suspicious" spots on the MRI so the doc ordered more detailed tests. Beginning of May we found out that she had cancer again... Actually, one of the previous cancers that we thought was gone had metastisized to her bones. It was very widespread and terminal. They said she had 6-8 months. She did some radiation treatment for 10 days which helped significantly with the pain, but unfortunately within 3 weeks she was unable to even get out of the bed.
On Wednesday, May 30, the family was rushing from Florida to be at her bedside. She slipped into a comatose state on late Thursday and on Friday evening at 9:00, she took her last breath. She was surrounded by all her family... Me, my brother Mike, Uncle David and Aunt Barbara, cousin Roger, niece Summer, nephew Jesse, friends John Dunfee and Rita Verdery, and my husband Tim. It was amazingly serene. I had been so anxious throughout the day, not knowing how I would react as we realized this was probably her last day on this earth, but I was pleasantly surprised at the joy I felt as my brother and I removed her oxygen nasal tube and turned off the machine. It was so liberating to know that she wouldn't need that anymore where she was going. I was just so happy for HER!
Throughout the following week as we planned her memorial service, I began to grieve for MY loss and still am... but I can't get rid of this feeling of joy for her, of freedom and divine health!
The service was incredible and I hope to post some pictures soon and maybe even some audio or video.
I am also going to put up the slideshow tribute that we played at the reception. We had the service outside under the oak trees at Jim and Linda Griggs house here in Washington and the birds joined us as we worshipped and remembered.
The reception was in the ballroom at the Fitzpatrick Hotel. We had good 'ol Southern BBQ (my mom's favorite) and had daisies everywhere! It was beautiful, and the only thing missing was my mom.
I miss her so much and although I know that God orchestrated everything perfectly so that we had some time together before she passed, I still wish for just one more day.
Just one more day.
I love you mom.