It has been a long week....
We are trying to get ready to start the school year...
I attended a homeschool expo in Atlanta with a friend on Saturday, and because of another financial gift last week, was able to purchase some of the kids supplies and books for this year. That was a tremendous blessing. I am really looking forward to this school year with them. I think I am really starting to see their individual learning styles more clearly and I am really going to encourage them to pursue the things that they enjoy and are good at...
Timmy is so good at math... He really loves the challenge and is such a spatial thinker. I wonder if he will end up in some type of architecture or engineering work...
Nicole on the other hand is totally the opposite... She hates math, but loves to write, draw, sing, paint, etc... I am going to push her into the creative arts...although she doesn't need much pushing... :)
I am interested to see what direction Chloe will go. She seems to be a mixture of both... She is extremely artistic..I am hoping to scan some of her drawings soon, and post them. They are very interesting...some impressionistic and some abstract, and some quite real...
Anyway, that's all about school and kids for now...
Love to all.
I said he was a SPACED-OUT THINKER, not a spacial thinker!!!
I see you guys also bought a vehicle from Akin Ford, when what I said was that I was achin' for a word. No wonder it's always breaking down on you...
I am SO not prophecying over you guys any more!!!
As for that anonymous dude, I see that he's going to be rich and famous and have lots of babes.
Dear Family,
Being a student myself I finally have a chance to type on the blog!!!
As for now it is truwe that in four or five days school will start for myself and the other young noise makers. But remember,
If the ANONYMOUS TYPER lived just a little closer the Bob Jones, Confucious Say, and lots of babes
comments could be stpooed, and the regular
book report, and homework assighnments can begin...
Oooh, fun! I never stpooed anyone before!
I remember back when my Dad pushed me into the creative arts-I became quite adept at forging things! Now my parole officer is pushing me to get a job, and you guys are getting subjected to reading things like this.
In a move so ironic that irony itself was baffled, I forged this blog just to prove how good I was.
You can send a shout out to my father to thank him at
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