Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rx complications...

I know some of you are probably tired of hearing about Emma's ears, but around here it's the center of everything!
So we went on a second antibiotic and she broke out in a rash!
Then, against our better judgement, we started a third, and the rash got worse...
So, after seeing the doc for a third time in a week, we decided to quit the antibiotic route, which we don't usually do anyway, and really aggresively pursue a more natural path to healing...
Keep in mind, she had, in ONE week, taken 3 antibiotics(for ears), Motrin(for pain), Diflucan(for thrush), Benadryl(for the rash),and a degongestant, antihistamine and cough suppressant(for the congestion)...
This in a family that truly prefers to use the most natural route...
We are now treating her with homeade garlic oil treatments in the ears (garlic is nature's antibiotic and it has eucalyptus oil and grapefruit seed extract which has antibiotic properties as well), multiple visits to the chiropractor (they do a procedure that can drain the eustachian tubes), acidophilus (helps with the thrush), saline spray and a nasal aspirator (AKA booger-sucker) for the congestion, and still giving the Motrin as needed for pain...
Nevermind the fact that I have to take a bunch of stuff too, that will get to her through the breastmilk, like acidophilus, echinachea, garlic, and multiple vitamins, minerals and enzymes...
What a week this has been!
I have to drive an hour to get to the chiropractor, so that is a deal in itself...

BUT, God is good... Tim and I have really been hearing from Him lately about alot of things, actually...
Tim has been seriously convicted to change his eating habits drastically! This is a big deal for him... and he has been obedient, and he is feeling so much better, in general!
I had some serious revelations about the way I view myself as a wife and mom, that I think are going to really change some things around here...
I'm really excited about it.

Soon, I am going to post about the bigger things that the Lord has told us, regarding our future as a family, a possible move from Georgia, and some stuff going on with my mom...


1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Your doing the right thing.....and although difficult, the reward is great. Hang in there!!!!!
I can't wait to hear all about what God is showing you/ wonderful :)