Word of the Day for Wednesday, August 30, 2006
requisite \REK-wuh-zit\, adjective: 1. Required by the nature of things or by circumstances; indispensable. 2. That which is required or necessary; something indispensable.
Those with the requisite talents made drawings and watercolors of the birds, the flowers, the untouched landscapes that unfolded before them. -- Barbara Crossette, The Great Hill Stations of Asia
In this way, 2,156 buildings were laboriously hoisted, a quarter of an inch at a turn, until they reached the requisite height and new foundations could be built beneath them. -- Cornelia Dean, Against the Tide
Rather than seeing mindfulness as a kind of talent, like artistic flair or musicality, he believes that everyone willing to make the requisite effort can attain it. -- Winifred Gallagher, Working on God
Patience and an enquiring mind are absolute requisites for tracing family histories. -- Mike Anderiesz, "Working the web: Genealogy", The Guardian, January 17, 2002
Requisite derives from Latin requisitus, past participle of requirere, "to require."
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Emma's Noodlefest 2006
We had to let the noodle mess dry overnight and THEN clean it up, it was so bad...
But she absolutely loved it. That's what counts.I love noodles, yes I do...
What are you lookin' at?
Yeah, YOU!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Word of the Day for Sunday, August 27, 2006
habitue \huh-BICH-oo-ay; huh-bich-oo-AY\, noun:
One who habitually frequents a place. Here you will meet Disco Bean . . . , a 70s dance-clubhabitue who spends his days in an empty warehouse polishing his Latin hustle moves and pretending it's still 1978 and he's the next John Travolta. -- Stephen Holden, "The Search for One-Eye Jimmy", New York Times, June 21, 1996
Or as one jaded habitue of El Casbah observes when an unfamiliar face appears in the club: "She's new to cafe society." -- Stephen Holden, "Cafe Society", New York Times, July 18, 1997
In the public house kept by Jesper Darkes, "zealous partizans in the cause of Liberty," as one habitue called them, met day and night, laying plans, discussing whether this man or that could be trusted or whether he was spying for the government, speculating on what could be done when the British military arrived, as it surely would. -- Richard M. Ketchum, Saratoga: Turning Point of America's Revolutionary War
Habitue is from the past participle of French habituer,
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Visiting with Elizabeth and her family...
It was great to finally meet Justin, who is a great hubbie and dad. Emma actually curled to sleep in Ebets shoulder while at the mall and then Justin carried her around pretty much the whole time. It was ggrrreaattt! :)
We enjoyed some Chai at the beanery in the mall, and then headed back so they could visit a little with the Sutton's.
It was really good to see them, although we missed out on seeing Shawn, who held out in Round Rock for his friends, because Timmy wasn't with us... yeah, Shawn, I'm talkin' about you. You stood us up, bud... I'm gonna remember this, you know... :) just kidding...
Anyway, I guess that is all
Texas Trip
My dad gave us enough frequent flier miles for us both to fly to Fort Worth for a week.
Mom stayed extra long in GA to babysit the other kids and Nini and I took off.
This was her first time on a plane which was a really neat experience.
We had a ball and I'll be sharing stories from the trip soon...
Friday, August 25, 2006
Introducing...Our very own...
Emma has decided that she loves the air vent. She crawls over to it and sticks her face right over the blast.
It is quite funny to watch the expressions she makes... Here's a few pics.
Nice hairdo little one...
What a kook.
You are not even going to believe this...
Okay, so I walked into the bathroom as the girls were bathing last night... They were playing with their little plastic animals...
"How cute is that?" I say to myself.
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Then I begin to hear snippets of their role-playing:
"Where should I put the daddy?" asks Chloe
"Oh Wait, I'll put him in the water with the Mommy!" she answers herself before Nini has a chance.
So far, so normal...
"What about the midwife, where should we put her?"
Whoa Nelly.... the WHAT? the midwife? wait a minute here....
Upon closer inspection, I realize that my daughters have created a
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Complete with MONKEY midwife and FRYING PAN birth pool!!!
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Note that although the mommy dog (actually a lion that is pretending to be a dog) is COMPLETELY immersed in the water (doesn't do much for breathing techniques...) the midwife monkey has thought to offer the mommy a banana for energy...(good protein during labor!) HA!
Where do they get this stuff?
*clears throat quietly, while looking around... :)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
To web or not to web, that is the question...
We reorganized some of our bills and decided to use cloth diapers (given to us by a friend) so that we could afford the internet.
We decided that as a homeschooling family with no cable or other outside connection, the internet was just too essential to our sanity. :)
So, I will take the next few posts to catch everyone up on what we've been up to.
Stay tuned.