Saturday, August 26, 2006

Visiting with Elizabeth and her family...

While Nicole and I were in Texas, my old friend Elizabeth from Georgia and Florida, drove up to Fort Worth from Round Rock, where she lives with her husband Justin and her four children. We had not seen them in almost 5 years, so it was a really cool visit. We went out to eat and then cruised the mall for a few hours. I forgot that the camera was with me, so I only have a few pics. Sarah and Nini were best friends for the first 5 years of their lives. I actually was there when she and Laura were born...
It was great to finally meet Justin, who is a great hubbie and dad. Emma actually curled to sleep in Ebets shoulder while at the mall and then Justin carried her around pretty much the whole time. It was ggrrreaattt! :)
We enjoyed some Chai at the beanery in the mall, and then headed back so they could visit a little with the Sutton's.
It was really good to see them, although we missed out on seeing Shawn, who held out in Round Rock for his friends, because Timmy wasn't with us... yeah, Shawn, I'm talkin' about you. You stood us up, bud... I'm gonna remember this, you know... :) just kidding...
Anyway, I guess that is all

1 comment:

Goofy Chic said...


Thanks so much for the pictures of Elizabeth and children. I have often wondered how they were doing. I have asked Vicki maybe or someone a couple of times. It was great to see their pictures.
