Some changes imminent...
We are making some changes around here... We have been trying to be faithful with our money to finish our house and get out of debt.
Our latest decision involves cutting back the cost of our land phone line and our internet access...
I will still have some internet access, because we have a laptop and wireless I can go to the library or a friend's house and post. But the posting will be less frequent for awhile.
Our regular e-mail at will be disconnected and we will have a web-based e-mail, soon to be announced.
We have had some help from my dad, in reducing some of our debts, but truly want to be extra frugal for a time, so that we can be completely debt-free. This will all be temporary, for a season, so bear with us...
We will have a second cell phone that will replace our home phone. It will be kept at home. And for the record, even if we do not have a landline hooked up, we can still dial 911 and be if there was an emergency, and the cell phone didn't work for some reason, we could still reach emergency services...
We will let you all know as soon as everything changes over...
Also, an update on our future plans...
For those who haven't heard through the rumor grapevine :)...
We are planning to move to Texas when we sell the house.
I know, I know....some of you are saying....of course you are...that's where Jon and Noelle are...
BUT, hear me out now... :)
We had already received a word from the Lord about being with Jim and Debbie, before even THEY knew they were moving...which was long before Jon and Noelle considered moving.
I didn't even tell Noelle for a while, because I was afraid that she would be upset about us possible moving away....Turns out she was feeling the exact same thing about them moving and didn't want to tell me!...
So who's following who?
If anything, we are following Jim and Debbie, as we feel the Lord has pointed us...
He has a purpose in our relationship with them that has yet to be fulfilled... We are very excited about finding out what it is.
And as far as the comments regarding "following" people, I'm fairly certain that scripture, specifically the old testament, speaks many times of people following other direction of God no, I don't believe that there is anything wrong with us "following" Jim and Deb to Texas.
We sought counsel from several people in our lives that have always pointed us in the Lord's direction, including Tim's parents, and truly feel that this plan is right for us.
So... our goals right now involve finishing this house, so that we can make the most profit, so that we can get out of debt, so that we can move to Texas, so that we can find out what the Lord has in store for us there with the Suttons... a perk of the deal is that my best friend moved there too.
So,'s all out.
If anyone has any questions, please ask ME... I would like to hear opinions about my life firsthand...
I guess that's all...
ps. I write this all in love...really.
I guess I cannot see where "following" a Godly family is any big deal. I mean....are people upset about that...or are they jealous? Please! I think it is fantastic that y'all are going to Texas! Following or not...who cares? Heck, I hope my family "follows" us out here...and while we are at it...that Jon, Noelle, the Girls and alllll the Baileys move out here also! So there! :)
So while i am SUPER excited for yall, im also kinda mad at you!! youre leaving me! :) i love yall so much and am proud to call your family my own! thanks for allowing me to!
Um do I dare even posting? I think not...but we will be here waiting. Brennah desperately misses Chloe, and even told me today that she didn't want any Texas friends because she already had enough in GA. It makes me sad that we had to leave all of tour family (Griggs, Burks and Tippins) and friends behind. I know that this was a move directed by the Lord but it is hard. Can we morph Washington and Ft. Worth together? I wish! Everyone come see me!
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