I picked green tomatoes from my friend's garden yesterday, and that's what we had for dinner tonight! Fried green tomatoes, a southern staple! :) I am really learning to cook with what I have. On the one hand it is hard not knowing whether the bills will get paid, or when the next trip to the grocery store will be, but on the other hand it is so exciting to fully depend on God, really, for all our provision right now! It truly makes you appreciate things like never before..
Things that I appreciate today are:
friend's green tomatoes
friend's green peppers, cucumbers, squash and corn
friend's restaurants (Jeremy's Place :) )
homeade banana bread
the $1.73 in our mantle money jar...
credit counseling
hot water
cool air
friend's encouraging phone calls and emails...
healthy children
feeling baby move inside
the library
friend's maternity clothes
friend's vacuum cleaner
ford's loaner van
this computer!! (gift from relative)
silly dog for entertainment
friend's hugs
to be continued...
What do I appreciate??? I'd appreciate you not sneaking into my yard in the middle of the night and taking my tomatoes!!!! Just adds insult to injury to seeing you admitting to it all over the internet like this, ya know? You think you have it bad? Those tomatoes were for the kids at the leper colony outside of town. I mean, okay: we don't have any kids there yet and they probably wouldn't like green tomatoes anyways, but it's the principle behind it (or the lack thereof). You were lucky this time... Next time, Akin Ford might not be able to spot the "problem" as easily on your vehicle, f.e.?
You can pick green tomatoes, you can pick gardens, and you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's oh, forget it.
Ya know (munch, munch), as I'm sitting here eating the $500.00/lb cashew nuts (munch, munch) that my $25.00/hr snack servant brought to me, and reading about your plight, I look at my $8,960.00 watch and can't help but thinking: "There's a scratch on my watch. I need to get a new one. Drats, this time I'm going to get a really good one! Oh darn, I shouldn't have said drat. Aw heck, I shouldn't have said drat! Oh, the hell with it! I never wanted to be an evangelist in the first place." Now where was I?
Oh, yes! I thought to myself: "If only these people would step out in faith and send me a gift of $1.00 in a self-addressed pre-paid return envelope, I could double the money they have in their cookie jar. So that means they would get, (hmmm-calculate, calculate, think, frown)... They would OWE me a penny???? What the ???
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