Friday, September 15, 2006

chloe and mangos...

So I was attempting to explain to Chloe why exactly we do not eat baby chickens, after she asked if our roast chicken was a mommy or a baby, and then she says, "What about mango babies, how big are they?"

"What babies?" I respond.

"MANGO babies!" she says.

"Honey, mangos are fruit." I tell her.

"Well, mommy, they are animals too." says she.

"Oh really?" I say, eyebrows upraised.

"Yes, they are pink and they have looooong legs like this..." (proceeds to stand like a flamingo...)

ha haha ha ha haha ha......haha......ha......hahahaha....

They say laughter is the best kind of medicine.

true true.

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Anonymous said...

i'm still laughing...she is absolutely too much.
please tell her i miss her so much.
love, mom

princessme said...


that's pretty good

love ya

3 and a half days left!!!

Anonymous said...

But you never told her how big the mango babies are! What did you tell her when the Crocodile Hunter passed on? That he always had a place in his heart for stingrays?