Emma had her opthamologist appt. last week and he said for us to wait before considering the surgery, because her eye looks so much better! It actually started getting better the day after my prayer request post. So....thank you for those prayers, and thank you Lord, for your mercy.
I am still fighting this yeast, and actually stayed up until 4:45 AM with severe pain last night. I took some Tylenol finally and was able to sleep some when I wasn't nursing Emma. It seems to hurt much, much more at night for some reason.
Anyway, my sister-in-law ordered me some new natural medicine that should be here before Wednesday, and hopefully it will knock it out like it has on all the testimonials for the product, including her. I'm planning on calling LaLeche League today too to get their opinion...but thank you again, Flora. May God bless you abundantly for your compassion.
But suffice to say, that those of you that prayed for Emma, need to pray for my "lactation devices" just as hard!!! (tee hee) No, really, please pray for relief and that this new stuff will work quickly.
Love to everyone,
Blogged with Flock
I will be praying for you. The pictures you took of the cupcakes are beautiful. They are amazing.
Awwwww, I want to cry! I miss just being a MOMMY and doing mommy things with my kids.
I took over a first grade for 2 weeks (the teacher got fired) and doing graduate school.....and taking care of my family. I am, needless to say TOTALLY overwhelmed and EXHAUSTED! (At least I've taught first grade before.)
I will be praying for your infections and diseases that seem to be plaguing you and yours.
I can't believe I even found the time to type this.....love ya tons
Lisa Willis and "da boys"
When that "natural medicine" arrives, make sure there aren't any guys standing around the truck with a big DEA logo on the back of their jackets, along with some nervous-looking German Shepherds climbing all over the packages. If so, DON'T OPEN THE DOOR! DON'T ADMIT TO KNOWING WHO SENT THE PACKAGE!!! Even worse is if they are using East German Shepherds: those dogs will not back off once they jump you, especially if they smell cupcakes in the house (or anything else with yeast in it).
Flora! Just because you could never get your bread to rise does not mean that you can send people a loaf of "whatever it is that comes out of your oven" and call it a natural healer for all yeast-related problems. It's just called BAD BAKING. Soooo, how are you and Chuck?
I went to see the oftal ophftal offtal opp eye doctor yesterday, and I was floored when he told me that although I'm blind, I'm still going to have to wear bifocals. Does that sound right? Am I being ripped off? I covet everyone's prayers over this, and then covet more prayers over coveting prayer. I can see a vicious circle about to happen here...
Keep the witty comments coming anonymous. I'm lovin' every minute of it. Hmmm, that reminds me of a song.....
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