Monday, September 11, 2006

cue the sappy violin...

Do you hear it yet? Keep listening... there... there it is, playing quite loud...

Now I can start:

I am tired.

Most of you know that we have been having health problems with Emma from the day she was born. Ear infections, colic, thrush, eye infections, breastfeeding issues with yeast... and so on...

Well, here's the latest.

I have a clogged milk duct, probably from the yeast that we keep passing back and forth.

It is quite painful, but is responding somewhat to treatment...I won't go into detail about that, just suffice to say that it (the treatment) has been painful and time consuming. And is supposed to include lots of REST! HA!

Also, Emma has thrush in her mouth again and a yeast diaper rash, so the yeast is all through her little body.

AND her eye infection that we have been treating for over 2 months, is back. The new pediatrician that I took her to thinks that it is a clogged tear duct. She had me do one more round of a different antibiotic eyedrop and naso-lacrimal massage (massaging her tear duct and nasal area) to see if we could unclog it. Today was the first day off of the antibiotics and the gunk is back. This means that she will have to be scheduled for a surgical procedure where they stick a wire through the tear duct opening to unclog it... umm, can you say OUCH! They do use general anesthesia, which freaks me out a little to tell the truth. I will keep everyone updated on this, but in the meantime, pray that it will just unclog itself before the surgery. PLEASE!

Are you still hearing the music, because I am.

Meanwhile, the treatments for all of this include the following:

Pills, several times a day, of garlic, multi-vitamin, probiotics, enzymes, vitamin c, fish oil, and B-12;

Tinctures, several times a day, of Echinacea, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Oregon Grape Root (NASTY);

Boiling pacifiers after every use; and washing everything that touches her mouth or my breast in hot, hot water with vinegar.

Painting us both with Gentian Violet for four days, and then dealing with the funny looks at the store from those who think I let my child play with magic markers... :)

Nystatin ointment on her bottom every diaper change, which is much more frequent now with the cloth diapers.

The other treatments for my clogged duct, that I will spare you the details of.

Oh, the naso-lacrimal massage thing, which I still have to continue, and the eyedrops, which were three times a day, into the eyes of a screaming, thrashing, eyes squinched shut baby!!! AARGHH. I will be stopping the eyedrops, but will use breastmilk as a natural antibiotic until the surgery.

Ummmm. And last but certainly not least, the "Yeast connection Diet" that is about to kill me. NO sugar, NO dairy, NO bread, NO vinegar based anything, NO peanut butter, NO fruit, NO grains, NO corn or corn products, NO beans....and so on. I have to do that for at least 3 weeks. I am on day 2.

And she's still teething, only 1 tooth has actually popped through yet.

There's that violin again...

If you read my earlier post about baking bread... Not only can I now not eat my own bread, but we had to spend so much money on the supplements and stuff, that now all the overtime Tim is working this week, is going to replace that rather than buy my new mill. I am very disappointed.

All this right when I am trying to get a very late start on the homeschool year. We had to wait to purchase the necessary books, and I still actually have a few more to get later. I suppose we will begin sometime this week. That is the plan anyway.

I am trying with everything in me not to be discouraged and overwhelmed, but I truly am struggling.

Please keep me in your prayers. I know that God is with us, and cares and provides for our every need, but I also believe that He uses us to help one another in prayer. He expects us to encourage and lift each other up when we are down.

I need some lifting.

The End.

Blogged with Flock


Goofy Chic said...

Consider yourself and your family lifted.

love ya,

Anonymous said...

just got off the phone with tim, he was on his way home.
didnt' know all this was that bad. you should have told me on the phone!
now you are doubley (is that a word?) in my prayers.
i love you.

princessme said...

WOW!!! I am definitly praying for ya'll. especially you NO BREAD!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!

love ya

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the blood diet?

(OK, BAD joke, just kidding...)

The Griggs Gallery said...

Love you lady.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that someone would take the day that the rest of the world remembers a national disater and instead turn it to her own pathetic whinning. Maybe someone should pay attention to the small peek into this persons elevated sense of self. Amazing.

Timberlace Designs said...

I am truly amazed that someone would even have the gall to write this. I know that the person is here locally in my town, and is not my usual Mr. Anonymous. I challenge them to treat me in a biblical way and if they feel that I am in sin, come and talk to my face about it, rather than attempt to humiliate me publicly, on my own blog. Those that know me better than that, know that I have wept every time I even think about 9/11, even five years later, and the struggles that happened to overwhelm me on that day, in NO way undermine my compassion for anyone affected by the disaster, or respect for the day itself. If you truly knew my heart, then you would know this about me. I'm sorry that you haven't taken the time to get to know me before feeling so comfortable as to publicly condemn me. If you feel so strongly about this then perhaps next time you could sign your post rather than hide in anonymity. Or you could just stop reading the pathetic whiny blog of my elevated self. Either or.

Anonymous said...

I find it odd that you would assume I am in your area when you are clearly writing your stories for all the world to hear and enjoy. You don't seem to mind if an unknown someone comments on how adorable your children are but we (meaning the rest of the world)should stay silent if we don't like what you have to say. Well I do apologize for having offended you so, 9/11 is a day that greatly effected me and I will attempt not to offend you so in the future. No promises.

Timberlace Designs said...

First of all, I didn't say I "assume", I said, "I know."
Second, your original comment was nasty and untasteful and that is why I responded the way I did.
If any other comments follow that pattern, I will delete them. That is all I am going to say on the matter. Good Day.