Friday, September 08, 2006

whole lotta whole wheat...

and some small beer...

I haven't made bread in so long...
I had run completely out of wheat berries and my milling buddy, Noelle, of course, left me high and dry with no mill when she up and moved to Texas... What was she thinking! :)
I haven't been able to make it all the way to Atlanta to get more wheat and I am so glad now...
I found a new place that is not too far that I can buy wheat berries for significantly cheaper than Breadbeckers in Atlanta. It is a small Amish grocery store in Abbeville, SC. It took a little more than an hour to get there.
They not only had bulk wheat, but also dry beans, rolled oats, organic pastas, oh I could go on and on. One cool thing was the milk...It is very hard to find inexpensive local organic non-homogenized, low pastuerized milk! I found it! And it is cheaper than the grocery store, how cool is that!
I got real homemade Amish butter, yogurt cultured cheese, sucanat, ummmm... all kinds of yummy stuff. And it's all cheaper than the grocery store because they buy it in bulk.
Me thinks I will be a new habitue of this place

My friend Nichole, who went with me to the shop, is going to let me borrow her mill off and on until I can get my own.
For those of you that have no clue what I am talking about when I say wheat berries and mill and stuff... Basically I grind my own wheat. I buy the actual wheat berries and put them through a high speed electric mill and out comes whole wheat flour... with all it's nutrients intact!
Here is a link to an article about the benefits of milling wheat and baking your own bread:
All that to say, that I baked today!
I tried a new recipe for bread and it turned out beautifully! Speaking of which, the recipe is the one in the above article.
Timmy said that this bread recipe was even better than the Breadbeckers recipe. We went through almost a whole loaf when it was hot out of the oven. We spread it with the Amish butter and raw good.
Anyway, I have been wanting to buy a mill for sooo long and we just could never afford it. We finally decided that we have to get one. So Tim is going to work some more overtime next week, and we are going to specifically use it for that.
I am so excited about having my own mill. I am thinking about selling bread again also, if I can get a customer base going. I am looking into the legalities though. I may need to get a license and so on and so forth. We'll see.
For now, I CAN BAKE AGAIN!!!!
I made yummy cheese biscuits with our pot roast tonight. Maybe I'll put up that recipe one of these days... They are really tasty.
Anyway, here's my bread...
Noelle, Can you believe that rise?


Anonymous said...

wow, is my mouth watering! especially since i personally know what those taste like. makes me really homesick!

love you, mom, nana, bobba

The Griggs Gallery said...

You go!!! I have made muffins and pancakes but have not braved the bread yet! Maybe Tommorrow? Anyways, I miss you muchly, Noelle