Sunday, September 17, 2006

say cheese...

Some of you may remember our friend John Dunfee, who moved from Miami to Georgia around the time we did. He had always had some serious trouble with his teeth, and finally was able to get some help. Someone helped pay for him to get all of his bad teeth removed and get new ones! His teeth had been the source of much pain and agony, including migraines and the such. Here are some pics of his new smile! I made one of them big so you can get a good look.

WOW! Amazing, huh?

He just can't stop smiling, it is so cute...

Blogged with Flock


Anonymous said...

i'm dying to see this but pix did not come through.

Anonymous said...

One of many things you don't want to ever hear a dentist say: "Your teeth look great, but those gums have to go!"